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Why Recycle Clothing And What Are The Benefits

Why Should I Recycle My Clothing?

There are plenty of reasons to recycle your clothing, whilst clearing much-needed space in your home, you will be reducing pollution and harm to the planet. Polyester and other man-made materials take up to 200 years to decompose, polluting the land and water they inhabit for lifetimes to come! Also taking hundreds of years to decompose, trimmings such as sequins or fibres such as spandex are virtually non-biodegradable. It is estimated that 30% of unwanted clothing in the UK ends up littering landfills, which roughly equates to 350,000 tonnes.

How Can I Make An Impact?


Now you understand the harms of discarding your preloved goods, it’s time for a solution. There are plenty of ways to make a positive impact. To start with, by shopping in charity shops, you are contributing to tackling the issue at hand. This is because by engaging with the preloved market, you’re extending the clothing life cycle, which will benefit the environment in multiple ways.


Donating clothes has a major impact on many sectors. As outlined earlier, it will benefit the environment drastically, greatly reducing stress on the planet. Other benefits not widely recognised include supporting charities that centre around causes that need attention. In our case, we take all money earned through selling preloved clothing and direct it towards supporting veterans who suffer from hearing difficulties. This support is given by providing veterans with advanced hearing technology, helping them battle hearing loss and tinnitus. This extra support is much needed, as in their case, standard NHS hearing aids don’t have the capabilities needed to help them.

If you would like to help us tackle tinnitus and hearing loss, consider donating your clothes or buying preloved clothing at our online charity shop.

Unwanted clothes?

If you have clothes cluttering your home, why not send them to us? Don’t forget, they will be going to a great cause and will be helping veterans across the UK. It’s free to post to us too, just hit the button to find out how!

Wondering what all the fuss is about? 

Why not check out our items yourself? There is plenty to choose from and we ensure that there’s something for everyone! 100% of the proceeds for every purchase goes to supporting our UK veterans in need.